Chinese Astrology ; Geomancy Service (Feng Shui)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

12 Chinese Zodiac Characteristics

In traditional Chinese culture 12 is an important number when calculating time. There are 12 full moons in a year, the length of time between the full moons are relatively constant. They also observed the day could be divided into 12 equal parts. These observations led to the development of the 12 month lunar year and the 12 duty day.

The Chinese began grouping years into a twelve year cycle, assigning each year an animal symbol. Legend has it that Buddha called a meeting of all animals on the planet, to determine how to restore order to the world, but only 12 heeded his call and they came to represent the 12-year-cycle, with each presiding over a year in the order they arrived at the meeting. The strong ox was in the lead and only had a river to cross to come in first, but little did he know, the cunning rat hitched a ride on his back and became the first to arrive.

The twelve animals are: rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. The 12 animals associated with the years can be used to judge a person’s character by their birth year. A person born in the year of a particular animal is said to have the traits of that animal.

Rat  1936  1948  1960  1972  1984  1996  2008  2020

People were born in the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Rat are quick-witted, clever, charming, sharp and funny. They have excellent taste, friendly, gracious and generous and loyal to others considered part of its pack. Motivated by money, be greedy, ever be curious, seeks knowledge and welcomes challenges. Compatible with Dragon and Monkey as Trio-water.

Ox  1937  1949  1961  1973  1985  1997  2009  2021

Another of the powerful Chinese Zodiac signs ,the Ox is steadfast, solid, a target-oriented leader, detail-oriented, hard-working, stubborn, serious and introverted but lonely and insecure. Makes comfort among friends and family, who is a reliable, protective and strong companion. Compatible with Snake and Rooster as Trio-metal.

Tiger  1938  1950  1962  1974  1986  1998  2010  2022

People were born in the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Tiger are authoritative, self-possessed, with strong leadership qualities, charming, ambitious, courageous, warm-hearted, highly seductive, moody, intensely. They are ready to pounce at any time. Compatible with Horse and Dog as Trio-fire.

Rabbit  1939  1951  1963  1975  1987  1999  2011  2023 

People were born in the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Rabbit enjoy be surrounded by family and friends. They are popular, compassionate and sincerely. They aren’t risk takes and value security and tranquility. These people intend to avoid conflict and emotional involvement. Rabbits enjoy stay and entertaining at home. Compatible with Goat and Pig as Trio-wood

Dragon  1940  1952  1964  1976  1988  2000  2012  2024

A powerful sign, people born in the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Dragon are energetic and warm-hearted, charismatic, lucky at love and egotistic. They are natural born bossy, good at place orders and doing what’s necessary to keep themselves on top. Compatible with Monkey and Rat as Trio-water.

Snake  1941  1953  1965  1977  1989  2001  2013  2025

People were born in the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Snake are the Chinese mythology’s icon for cleverness, seductive, gregarious, Introverted, generous, known for their abstract thought and idealism, good at wealth making, analytical, insecure, jealous and slightly dangerous. They are rely on courage and determination, hard-working and intelligent. Compatible with Rooster and Ox as Trio-metal.

Horse  1930  1942  1954  1966  1978  1990  2002  2014  2026 

People were born in the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Horse love to roaming freely. They are energetic, considerate, money-wise, and they enjoy traveling, love and intimacy. They are great at seducing, sharp-witted, but impatient and arrogant. Compatible with Dog and Tiger as Trio-fire.

Sheep  1931  1943  1955  1967  1979  1991  2003  2015  2027 

People were born under the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Goat, enjoy being alone in their thoughts. They are creative thinkers, wanderers, unorganized, high-strung and insecure, and can be anxiety-ridden. They need lots of love, support and reassurance. Appearance is important too. Compatible with Pig and Rabbit as Trio-wood.

Monkey  1932  1944  1956  1968  1980  1992  2004  2016  2028

People were born in the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Monkey thrive on having fun. They are energetic, upbeat, intelligent but have a flare for deception and lack self-control. They like being active and stimulated and enjoy pleasing self before pleasing others. They are heart-breakers, bad in long-term relationships, morals are weak. Compatible with Rat and Dragon as Trio-water.

Rooster  1933  1945  1957  1969  1981  1993  2005  2017  2029 

People were born in the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Rooster are practical, resourceful, observant, analytical, straight forward, trusting, honest ,perfectionists, neat and conservative, but arrogant and reckless. Compatible with Ox and Snake as Trio-metal.

Dog  1934  1946  1958  1970  1982  1994  2006  2018  2030

People were born in the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Dog are loyal, faithful, honest but distrustful, often guilty of telling white lies, temperamental, prone to letting their anxieties get the better of them. Dogs excel in business but trouble in finding mates. Compatible with Tiger and Horse as Trio-fire.

Pig  1935  1947  1959 1971  1983  1995  2007  2019  2031

People were born in the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Pig are extremely nice, good-mannered and tasteful. They are perfectionists who enjoy finer things but never perceived as snobs. They enjoy helping others and are good companions until someone close crosses them, then look out! They are intelligent, always seeking more knowledge, and exclusive. Compatible with Rabbit and Goat as Trio-wood.

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